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January 31, 2018

A Glimpse Inside the Profession of Equine Therapy: Horse and Human Roles

What makes an Equine Assisted Horse Professional? What special knowledge or skill might they need to have in order to do this work? An equine-assisted professional should have a grounding in basic horse care requirements: feeding and nutrition, grooming, de-worming, […]
January 25, 2018

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Sends Health & Comfort Shipment to Washington, DC VA Medical Center for Annual Stand Down Event

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) (www.dvnf.org) has announced that it has sent a shipment of over $75,000 worth of necessities to assist veterans attending the Washington, DC VAMC Winterhaven Homeless Veterans Stand Down. This stand down event for homeless […]
January 23, 2018

Guest Blog: How to Talk With Your Veteran About Assisted Living

Assisted living facilities are growing like wildflowers in many communities. What do they offer, and how can you talk with your veteran about considering one? Assisted Living Basics Assisted living facilities are housing for elderly or disabled people that provides […]
January 23, 2018

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Sends Over $65,000 Worth of Aid to Mobile, AL

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) (www.dvnf.org) has announced that it has sent a shipment of over $65,000 worth of necessities to assist veterans attending the Mobile Project Homeless Connect. This stand down event for homeless and low-income veterans will […]