Pets give people purpose even during their darkest moments


May 31, 2024

Pets give people purpose even during their darkest moments. Data has proven that companion, emotional support, and service animals provide tremendous emotional, physical, and social benefits, and this is especially true for veterans.

The Veterans’ Administration has long recognized these benefits and two years ago, launched a three-year pilot program to place emotional support animals with veterans suffering from PTSD. Unfortunately, once in the home, very few supportive services exist for low-income veterans with animals, which can cause an increase in financial stress and the creation of barriers to care, employment, and housing. When pet owners face obstacles that force them to choose between caring for themselves or caring for their pets, repeatedly, pet owners will choose to neglect their own needs to care for their beloved animal companions.

To address these disparities and challenges, The Arizona Pet Project is focused on bridging the gap between human services and animal welfare by providing support and services for veterans and their animals, while advocating for changes within human service and veteran-focused agencies.

Receiving grant funding from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation allows The Arizona Pet Project to help more veterans, like Kevin and his dog Shadow, who faced the impossible choice of seeking help or keeping his dog.

Kevin and Shadow have been together for 11 years since he took her in while living in New Mexico before they moved to Arizona. Kevin shared that every day, she “pushes him to improve his life and get help through the VA whenever he needs it.”

Like so many Americans who we know and love, Kevin was struggling with substance use disorder that was impacting his life in negative ways. An intervention was a wake-up call and a stepping stone on his path toward a healthier life. Even though he knew he was unwell, without Shadow, Kevin admitted he may not have sought the help he needed through the VA. She was his reason for getting better.

Sadly, his inspiration for pursuing treatment was also a barrier to care. He couldn’t take Shadow to treatment, and he didn’t have anyone to look after her while he was in recovery – an impossible situation!

Then Kevin was introduced through someone at the VA to The Arizona Pet Project. One of the organization’s social workers met with Kevin to explore his options, and the next day, Shadow was placed in temporary boarding where she would be safe while he focused on recovery.

On the day Kevin dropped Shadow off for temporary boarding, The Arizona Pet Project social worker was there to witness the heartwarming scene. Kevin’s love for Shadow was palpable as he kissed her head and reassured her that he could not wait to see her again. This display of affection, and his sacrifice in parting from her, was a testament to their deep bond.

Beautiful moments like this demonstrate the powerful bond between people and pets. And that is why this work matters: keeping people and their pets together. In Arizona, there are an estimated 22,000 veterans who are low-income and living with pets. Veterans are also overrepresented in the unhoused population, with many relying on animals as their sole source of companionship, assistance, and safety.

Thanks to grant funding from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, The Arizona Pet Project will help even more veteran pet families like Kevin and Shadow with case management, temporary boarding,urgent veterinary care, housing support, pet food, and supplies.

Kevin has a long road ahead, but thanks to his determination and Shadow by his side, anything is possible.

We are helping to rebuild lives, and through our relationships with innovative organizations around the country, we are changing the way we approach giving back to veterans.