No Man or Woman Veteran Left Behind


August 29, 2024

Faith, Hope, Love, Charity, Incorporated is the premier provider of support services for homeless and at-risk veterans and their families in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Their Stand Down House residential campus is a place for male veterans to grow and heal – without judgment. They come there struggling, often homeless, with seen and unseen wounds. There they receive hope and a ‘hand up,’ not a ‘hand out’ as they navigate through their disparity and the disabilities that brought them to our doorstep in the first place. They receive assistance reintegrating back into civilian life successfully.

The residents there gain a sense of comradery, a brotherhood like they had during their days in combat. Veterans need this bonding with others who understand and know their experience first-hand. During weekly therapy sessions, they can openly talk with their peers about their experiences and heal. 

The grant from Disabled Veterans National Foundation enables these veterans to overcome mental and physical challenges thru personalized care plans with life skills and training and placement. They also participate in financial literacy workshops which give them the skills they need to sustain successful independent living. While residing there, the residents are required to either attend school or gain employment.

Several graduates of this program have gone on to college and attained degrees. Others re-gain or learn new job skills while in the program. They then return to Stand Down where they give back and pay it forward to those in residence.

Such is the case for Stacey and also Steven. Both came to Stand Down House broken and homeless. Years later, after going to school to attain degrees in social work, they are employed as Case Managers on the Stand Down House campus. 

It’s the story of Veterans helping Veterans. The motto of our organization is simple: ‘No Man or Woman Veteran Left Behind.’

Roy J. Foster
Executive Director/Founder
Faith, Hope, Love, Charity, Inc.

We are helping to rebuild lives, and through our relationships with innovative organizations around the country, we are changing the way we approach giving back to veterans.