Welcome to DVNF’s new website!
In an effort to improve our image and our services to veterans, we felt it was time for a fresh new look. We were long overdue for a new website, and since we are turning 10 this year, this was a great time to pursue this endeavor.
I hope you’ll find a cleaner, more user-friendly website. We want veterans who are in search of information and resources to be able to access it effortlessly. We also want to tell our story to donors better, because we think it’s important for people to know about the struggles and the successes of those who have stood in our defense.
Our New Logo
Another change you probably noticed is our new logo. With this new look, we’re hoping to incorporate our feelings of pride in those who have served our nation, and also those who are still serving. But we also hope to demonstrate a more modern approach to our programs and our image.
As DVNF works to ensure that our veterans are cared for, we are working to build new programs, and expand our current services. We feel that this new appearance will help set a solid foundation for the present and the future of the foundation.
I want to thank you for all your support of DVNF and the veterans we work to help. I hope you’ll continue to follow our work, and hope you enjoy the new look!
Working towards a better future for our heroes,
Joseph VanFonda (USMC SgtMaj Ret.)
Disabled Veterans National Foundation
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