Disabled Veterans National Foundation Sends Shipment of Needed Items to Albany Veterans Organization


May 3, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC – March 3, 2016 – The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) (www.dvnf.org) is announcing the shipment of around $125,000 worth of requested items to the Veterans Miracle Center (VMC), based in Albany, NY.

The VMC, opened in early 2015 by the aid organization, Jezreel International, is a free “store” for veterans to secure many essential items they need but often struggle to afford. The organization was in particular need of toiletries, which was their primary request from DVNF.

DVNF’s shipment, worth approximately $125,000, was made possible through its Health & Comfort program. It consisted of 360 of its signature care kits, which contain assorted items including toiletries. The shipment also contained: backpacks, jackets, soap, blankets, toothpaste, sunscreen, wash cloths, and toiletry bags, among several other items.

DVNF has supported the VMC in the past through the Health & Comfort program, which not only helped to stock their shelves for veterans, but it also benefitted the organization’s annual stand down, which took place in September of 2015.

“The VMC is improving the lives of veterans by providing this valuable service to those in need,” said DVNF CEO, Joseph VanFonda (USMC SgtMaj Ret.). “I know that groups like the Veterans Miracle Center depend on DVNF so they can provide for veterans in their communities, and that’s why we are thrilled to be able to lend that support.”

Since it’s opening at the beginning of 2015, the Veterans Miracle Center reports that it has been able to assist around 2,500 veterans.

In 2015, DVNF’s Health & Comfort program helped more than 5,700 veterans through its shipments to various states around the country.

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About DVNF:

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation exists to provide critically needed support to disabled and at-risk veterans who leave the military wounded—physically or psychologically—after defending our safety and our freedom.

We achieve this mission by:

  • Providing an online resource database that allows veterans to navigate the complex process of seeking benefits that they are entitled to as a result of their military service, as well as additional resources they need.
  • Offering direct financial support to veteran organizations that address the unique needs of veterans, and whose missions align with that of DVNF.
  • Providing supplemental assistance to homeless and low-income veterans through the Health & Comfort program and various empowerment resources.
  • Serving as a thought leader on critical policy issues within the veteran community, and educating the public accordingly.
We are helping to rebuild lives, and through our relationships with innovative organizations around the country, we are changing the way we approach giving back to veterans.