Information for our community regarding COVID-19
Dear Friends,
Due to the COVID-19 sweeping through the United States and creating havoc on our daily lives DVNF will continue operations and provide Health & Comfort Shipments to homeless shelters that serve our Disabled and At-Risk Veterans. DVNF will continue to fund organizations that are like-minded through our Capacity Building Grant program, as these wonderful partners in our communities need all the assistance possible during this time.
THIS MESSAGE is a “CALL TO ACTION”, that we all within our communities, look out for each other, care for each other and practice social distance. Check up on our older veterans and neighbors, reach out to them as a resource in any means. As businesses are closing, the pressure on providing for our families and love ones will be challenging. Among these challenging days, I ask that you please contribute to the support of our Programs in order for DVNF to continue to provide services to our Disabled and At-Risk Veterans.
Please consider a small donation if possible, take care of yourselves and our veterans in need. Together, we can make a difference.

Joseph VanFonda
USMC SgtMaj (Ret)
Chief Executive Officer