American Indian Veterans Supported by Veterans Center


May 24, 2018

The Rocky Boy Veterans Center plays a vital role in the lives of American Indian Veterans on
the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation as the only Veteran service provider on the reservation. The
Veteran population consists of a range of age groups of Veterans who have served during the
Korean War to OEF/OIF Veterans as well during periods of Peacetime and Service Members
who continue to serve the Nation today. The goals of the Rocky Boy Veterans Center are to
ensure Rocky Boy Veterans and Service Members receive the care and benefits they have earned
through their service to this country and the Chippewa-Cree people; and to advance and develop
the Rocky Boy Veteran community, ultimately furthering the advancement of the ChippewaCree

Rocky Boy, Montana is located in the heart of the Bears Paw Mountains. Because it is a highly
rural area, prices for basic items are often higher and not easily accessible. The ability to
maintain and provide for even the basic needs can be difficult, especially when unemployed. The
Rocky Boy Veterans Center supports Veterans with meeting these needs by providing assistance
with fuel, propane, firewood, groceries and electric payments. This past winter was an example
of the difficulty of living in this area with a 7-month long winter and frigid temperatures, the
RBVC was able to assist Veterans to keep their homes warm by providing propane and electric

The Rocky Boy Veterans Center seeks to increase its outreach and services to Veterans living on
the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation and in the surrounding area by expanding its Veterans
Support Services (VSS) program. The Rocky Boy Veterans Center had assisted over 380
Veterans under its VSS program in 2017. This included over 60 Veterans provided with direct
assistance ranging from subsistence to electric assistance, placed two homeless Veterans in
permanent housing, and assisted 40 Veterans with transportation needs. In support of the VSS
program the Rocky Boy Veterans Center has held 7 workshops and events for Veterans
throughout 2017, which consisted of VA benefit workshops and Meet&Greet BBQs with VA
and local service providers.

The partnership with the DVNF will help the Rocky Boy Veterans Center better assist Veterans
needing a little extra support in maintaining a quality life for themselves and their families. The
grant will be used to assist unemployed Veterans, transitioning Service Members and will
provide direct assistance to Veterans in need. The support provided by DVNF will support the
Rocky Boy Veterans Center in saving the lives of American Indian Veterans.
The Rocky Boy Veterans Center and the Veterans we serve are beyond grateful for the support
provided by the DVNF and now having the means to maintain resources for our Veterans,
especially those who have difficulty adjusting back to civilian life.

We are helping to rebuild lives, and through our relationships with innovative organizations around the country, we are changing the way we approach giving back to veterans.