Grab N’ Go event
VA Medical Center in Newington, CT.

Partner Event

Padre Pio partners with DVNF
The Padre Pio Foundation of America partners with the Disabled Veterans National Foundation’s Health & Comfort program, by serving more than 450 disabled and at-risk veterans at the Newington, CT. Veterans Hospital.

Each Veteran received a H&C tote bag that consist of; Hygiene items, socks, t-shirt, a food bag, $25 dollar gift card and a free lunch and much more!
The Padre Pio Foundation of America provided a table that was set up and serving hundreds of veterans by sharing Padre-Pio’s “Pray Hope and Don’t Worry”, message and many more inspirations.

Thank you to our game-changing partner The Padre Pio Foundation of America.
Thank you to all our volunteers, supporters, and donors.
And most importantly THANK YOU to all our Veterans.
A big Thank You to our Partners
and our Veterans
Grab N’ Go event
VA Medical Center in Newington, CT.

Partner Event

Padre Pio partners with DVNF

The Padre Pio Foundation of America provided a table that was set up and serving hundreds of veterans by sharing Padre-Pio’s “Pray Hope and Don’t Worry”, message and many more inspirations.

Thank you to our game-changing partner The Padre Pio Foundation of America.
Thank you to all our volunteers, supporters, and donors.
And most importantly THANK YOU to all our Veterans.
A big Thank You to our Partners
and our Veterans