Your Generous Donations Helps Feed Veterans & Their Families

How Your Donation Helps

  • $50 can help cover essential grocery items such as milk, bread and eggs.
  • $100 can provide expanded pantry items such as oils & peanut butter
  • $500 can provide a whole cart full of groceries for a veteran and their family
  • $2,000 can provide multiple veterans and their familes with essential groceries
I have never been so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. I put in for the groceries on October 1st, October 3rd it was approved and sent out the same day. It is so disheartening and demoralizing as a father to not be able to feed your family. Thanks to the VFAP my fridge and freezer both were filled as well as I also received diapers and wipes. I am beyond grateful and can't thank them enough. You all brought tears of joy to my eyes...They were able to help a struggling single father provide when there was no way. I believe in God, and I know you all came from him with the help that you have done. I could easily write well over 500 characters, but I will say I did not expect so much but I am beyond grateful. You gave me joy for tomorrow because only if you knew what I have been encountering. Thank you again

George Wilder

Video George shared of his groceries being delivered